Fair trade seems to be a phrase that a company slaps onto their product in an attempt to trigger a feeling of superiority in their iced coffee sipping, “aware” consumers.
But isn’t that what Tomorrow’s Coffee is doing?
If you have a bag of Tomorrow’s Coffee in hand, you will undoubtedly see the fair trade certification stamped proudly on the front. Though this isn’t a cornerstone of what our product and organization is all about, it is definitely an extremely important part of a change that we want to see in the world.
So what is fair trade?
Fair trade is a system of business practices driven by communication, transparency, and respect in an effort to create an international trading system that is mutually beneficial for everyone involved.
Coffee that has been certified as fair trade meets these requirements and everyone from consumer to farmer reaps the rewards. So, here are 5 reasons why you should invest in fair trade products.
- Fair trade enables poor countries and small-scale producers to partake in the benefits of free trade. Large, high-producing companies (most likely the ones that cut down the rainforest and spray synthetic chemicals on their crops) can bring their product to market for much less than the traditional producers. In turn, this has a devastating effect on the financial well-being of these usually family run businesses. In an attempt to compete, laborer’s wages are cut to the point that they are no longer paid a livable wage.
- To meet fair trade requirements, a high level of transparency results because every level of the supply chain is evaluated. Due to this practice, organized producers are paid a minimum floor price or the market price if it is higher that the minimum. This ensures a level of stability for small-scale operations that otherwise wouldn’t be able to compete with the large companies that drive down the price with the sheer volume of their products.
- Fair trade license fees are used to fund the communities that are apart of the fair trade system. These democratically organized farming systems allocate these funds to improve their communities through scholarships, building schools, improving product quality, leadership training, and additional product certifications.
- Fair trade certification strictly prohibits child and slave labor. Need I say more? Safe working conditions and livable wages should be a basic human right and fair trade organizations seek to make it the norm.
- Genetically engineered products are banned from fair trade products and waste, water, and energy must be properly managed
There are many more benefits associated with fair trade and the effect that these practices have in developing countries and communities is apparent. However, one of the biggest misconceptions about fair trade products is that they will be more expensive than similar products available on the market. This is untrue because the supply chain is streamlined which greatly reduces costs. The result is competitively priced products that have been produced in a way that is better for everyone involved.
Fair trade products are undoubtedly a step ahead of their competitors and it does make a difference on a global scale.
Be apart of something bigger and treat yourself to a bag of coffee that tastes as good as the impact that it has on the world.
Learn more about Fair Trade here:
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